Monday, November 18, 2019

Theseus Part 1 Questions

Theseus Part 1 Questions:

# 1 How does Theseus demonstrate acts of heroism? How does Theseus seem to define the concept of heroism? What specific heroic traits does he demonstrate?

#2 Cite at least one specific example of when Theseus’ cousin Hercules influences Theseus’ behavior and decision making. How does having a cousin like Hercules influence Theseus’ personality? How would his life have been different if he didn’t have Hercules as a cousin?

#3 What does Theseus’ treatment of the bandits reveal about his concept of justice? In other words, how does Theseus define justice and how does he feel like justice needs to be enforced?

#4 Cite 2-3 examples of how Theseus’ quest and personality differ from
those of Jason and Perseus. Cite at least one example of how his quest is similar to that of Jason or Perseus. Of these three heroes, who do you think most closely matches our concept of heroism today?

#5 What connections can you make between Theseus’ life so far and current stories, shows, or characters? To answer this question, you need to refer to a specific character from a tv series, movie, or book, describe a characteristic or event with that character, and explain what part of Theseus’ life this is similar to.