Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Due Thursday, April 1

Today in class we acted out the stories of Otus and Ephialtes and Daedalus. You will need to add a summary of each to your glossary 2. Also, we discussed the importance the ancient Greek's placed on avoiding excesses, which inspires the following assignment:

Write a story (3/4 to one page) in which you express the importance of moderation.

First, create 3 characters.
Then, choose an activity

Your first paragraph will show your first character doing too much of your chosen activity and therefore, suffering as a result.

Your second paragraph will show your second character doing too little of your chosen activity, and therefore suffering as a result.

Your third paragraph will show your third character doing just the right amount of this activity, and therefore experiencing very happy results.

If EVERYONE in your polis has this assignments done on Thursday, you will receive a polis bonus in addition to your individual bonus.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Due Tuesday, March 30th

There will be a reading quiz over the stories of "Phaethon" and "Pegasus and Bellerophon". The page numbers are:

BB: 180-190
LB: 136-143

You may use any reading notes that you took to help you on the quiz.

Also you should be making progress on your Hero's story.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Due 3/19

You are writing your very own Hero's Quest (much like Jason and the Argonauts). You will need to create a hero who must go on a quest to do something, destroy something, rescue something, get something, etc. Accomplishing this task will result in good things for your hero and community.

Your hero will experience three challenges along the way that delay him from accomplishing his quest. You will need to create these three challenges for your hero to overcome. Eventually, your hero will accomplish this quest, return home, and experience great joy.

Exposition: Hero's background, setting, other characters.
Hook: What your hero's quest it.
Conflict 1:
Conflict 2:
Conflict 3:
Climax: Quest is accomplished.
Falling action/resolution: Hero returns home successful.

Once your outline is complete, you will need to write the first paragraph of your story. The first paragraph should be on the exposition and hook.

Your story must have a historical setting and the final essay will be 2-3 pages.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Due Monday, 3/15--Comparision Paragraph

Your comparision paragraph should have a topic sentence similar to "There are several differences between the book version and movie version of Jason and the Argonauts." Then you must have three comparisions that follow where you explain how something happened in the book versus how it happened in the movie. Make sure to use trasition words to help your writing. Your first example might say, " For example, in the book version, Medea ___________. However, in the movie Medea _________." This should be follwed by 2 similar comparions, and a summary sentence the repeats the ideas in your topic sentence.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Due March 8th--5 land!

Jason Comic Strip Assignment:


BB: 159-167
LB: 122-127

After you complete your reading of the first part of the Quest for the Golden Fleece, you will be creating a comic strip that has 10 boxes. Each box should contain a picture of the action and a caption describing it. You will probably also want to include dialog in each box.

Obviously, if all you can draw is stick figure, that's fine! However, if you consider yourself limited in artistic ability, you might want to include some color to make it look like you put some time into it.

This assignment will be worth 5 Land.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Due 3/4

Make sure you are prepared for you "8 Tales of Lovers" presentations.

Also, since the end of the grading period is next week, make sure you've completed:

Newspaper Article
Crossword Puzzle
Hades Project
Glossary 1

These are the highest point value assignments from the past unit.