Friday, March 21, 2008

Due 4/1

Happy Spring Break!

There is no homework over Spring Break; however, Hero's stories are due the Thursday after you return (4/4).

Also, use your vacation to get caught up if you have missing work such as the Jason Comic or Golden Mean story.

If you missed Friday's class before break, you will need to complete the following assignment based on the story of Perseus. Read the story and then answer the following questions in complete sentences. (Find the chapter called Perseus--page numbers will differ based on your book)

1. What news does the priestess tell Acrisius that he finds alarming?

2. How is Danae imprisoned?

3. Who visits Danae in her confinement?

4. What does Acrisius do after learning about the birth of Danae’s child?

5. Who falls in love with Danae? What is his position in the town?

6. What does Polydectes trick Perseus into doing so that he is put in danger?

7. Which god does Perseus first run into? What description is given of him in the book?

8. Who must Perseus visit first, before he can find his way to Medusa?

9. What two gifts does Perseus receive from the two gods who help him? (Describe the usefulness of these gifts.)

10. What magical land does Perseus travel to after the Gray Women?

11. What gifts does he receive there?

12. What land does Perseus travel to after the slaying the gorgon?

13. Who does Perseus discover there?

14. How and why is this person being punished?

15. How does Perseus rescue this woman?

16. What situation does Perseus find when he returns home?

17. How does Perseus get his revenge at dinner?

18. Why do Perseus and his mother decide to return to Greece?

19. What happens at the athletic competition in the North?

20. Who is the famous descendant of Perseus and Andromeda?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Due 3/21 Golden Mean Story

Write a story (3/4 to one page) in which you express the importance of moderation.

First, create 3 characters.
Then, choose an activity

Your first paragraph will show your first character doing too much of your chosen activity and therefore, suffering as a result.

Your second paragraph will show your second character doing too little of your chosen activity, and therefore suffering as a result.

Your third paragraph will show your third character doing just the right amount of this activity, and therefore experiencing very happy results.

(If you were absent Wednesday, you will also need to make up the Phaethon/Bellorophon reading quiz, and add Otus and Ephialtes, Daedalus and Icaras, and "Golden Mean" to your Glossary 2.)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Due 3/19

There will be a reading quiz over the stories of "Phaethon" and "Pegasus and Bellerophon". The pages numers are:

BB: 180-190
LB: 136-143

You may use any reading notes that you took to help you on the quiz.

Also you should be making progress on your Hero's story. The due date for this will be Thursday, April 3, which is the week after Spring Break.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Due 3/11

There is no homework due on 3/11. Make sure that you are caught up with the following assignments:

Jason Movie Cast
Jason Notes and Paragraph
Jason Comic Strip
Hades Project

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Due 3/6 "Jason" Movie Cast

Your task is to create cast for a new movie version of "Jason and the Argonauts". You need to create three columns on your paper. In the first, you must list a MINIMUM of 10 characters from the story of "Jason". In the second column, write the name of the actor/actress/celebrity who you think would do well in that role. In the third column, provide me with a few sentences explaining why that person would do a good job as that character.