Thursday, December 13, 2007


We've read the Chapter on the Fall of Troy and completed the Fall of Troy poem assignment. Ask me about this if you were absent. There is no homework due for Monday.

Friday, December 7, 2007

December 7th

Today in class we finished the information in the chapter on the Trojan War. There will be a quiz on this material on Monday, and you will not get to use your notes, so make sure you are preparing for this over the weekend.

Also, make sure you have turned in Body Paragraph 2. Many of you still owe me this assignment.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Sorry for the delay in posting information online. Here's what we've been up to:

- We have completed Unit 2 and taken the Unit 2 test. If you were absent for this, make sure ot arrange a time to make this up and turn in your flashcards and Unit 2 Glossary.

- We also acted out the story of Atalanta in class, so if you missed it (sorry) you'll have to read the story in the book.

- We have read the chapter on Hercules and taken two T/F quizzes on the material. If you missed either of these, make sure to schedule a time to make it up.

- We also wrote one body paragraph on the following topic. Please use this link to help you make up this assignment.

- Finally, we have begun background information for the TROJAN WAR. We took some notes on this on 12/3, and will begin the actually fighting this Wednesday.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Due 11/13 Theseus Map/Timeline

Make sure you have read the story of Theseus up to the point of the Minotaur. Create a timeline or map explaining his adventures up to that point.

Also, please remember late pass Hero's Stories! Many of you need to finish this for Wednesday.

Flashcard Names

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Due 11/9 Hero Story

The Hero's Story is due!

Many of you also need to turn in your Golden Mean story; if this is not given to me on Friday, you will be assigned a Homework Club.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Due 11/5 Perseus Questions

Perseus Questions

Directions: Read pages 197-208 in your mythology books with the members of your polis. Then, each member must answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What news does the priestess tell Acrisius that he finds alarming?

2. How is Danae imprisoned?

3. Who visits Danae in her confinement?

4. What does Acrisius do after learning about the birth of Danae’s child?

5. Who falls in love with Danae? What is his position in the town?

6. What does Polydectes trick Perseus into doing so that he is put in danger?

7. Which god does Perseus first run into? What description is given of him in the book?

8. Who must Perseus visit first, before he can find his way to Medusa?

9. What two gifts does Perseus receive from the two gods who help him? (Describe the usefulness of these gifts.)

10. What magical land does Perseus travel to after the Gray Women?

11. What gifts does he receive there?

12. What land does Perseus travel to after the slaying the gorgon?

13. Who does Perseus discover there?

14. How and why is this person being punished?

15. How does Perseus rescue this woman?

16. What situation does Perseus find when he returns home?

17. How does Perseus get his revenge at dinner?

18. Why do Perseus and his mother decide to return to Greece?

19. What happens at the athletic competition in the North?

20. Who is the famous descendant of Perseus and Andromeda?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Due 11/1 Golden Mean Story

Write a story (3/4 to one page) in which you express the importance of moderation.

First, create 3 characters.
Then, choose an activity

Your first paragraph will show your first character doing too much of your chosen activity and therefore, suffering as a result.

Your second paragraph will show your second character doing too little of your chosen activity, and therefore suffering as a result.

Your third paragraph will show your third character doing just the right amount of this activity, and therefore experiencing very happy results.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Due 10/30

Hopefully you got a lot done during work time today. If you're not finished with your tasks, here's what you need to get done.

Next two paragraphs of the Hero's story. (This will include the 2nd and 3rd challenges.)

Also, there will be a reading quiz on Phaethon and Bellerophon. Make sure you have read the following pages:

Big Book: 180-190
Little Book: 136-143

Remember you can use any reading notes you write down for the quiz.

Also, take a moment and vote on the new poll.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Due 10/24 Hero's Quest Outline and 2 paragraphs

You are writing your very own Hero's Quest (much like Jason and the Argonauts). You will need to create a hero who must go on a quest to do something, destroy something, rescue something, get something, etc. Accomplishing this task will result in good things for your hero and community.

Your hero will experience three challenges along the way that delay him from accomplishing his quest. You will need to create these three challenges for your hero to overcome. Eventually, your hero will accomplish this quest, return home, and experience great joy.

For Wednesday, you will need to have an outline of your entire story. Your outline will include information for the categories of

Exposition: Hero's background, setting, other characters.
Hook: What your hero's quest it.
Conflict 1:
Conflict 2:
Conflict 3:
Climax: Quest is accomplished.
Falling action/resolution: Hero returns home successful.

Once your outline is complete, you will need to write the first two paragraphs of your story. The first paragraph should be on the exposition and hook; the second paragraph tells the story of the first conflict.

Your story must have a historical setting and the final essay will be 2-3 pages.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jason Movie Cast Due 10/18

Select 10 characters from the story Jason and the Argonauts (the quest for the Golden Fleece.) Then cast 10 actors/actresses who you would like to have play these roles. You may de-age or bring people back from the dead if necessary. You must also explain why you think these actors or actresses would be good for the roles you have cast them in.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Extra Gold Assignment Due 10/18

Familiarize yourself with the Mythology website, and after doing so, email Polyphemus with the following information:

1. Your name and class period
2. One of Polyphemus' dislikes
3. Question number 1 from the "House of Atreus" assignment.

Successful completion of this assignment can earn you up to 20 additional Gold.

Hopefully, you had a good time looking around. Don't forget to vote!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Assignment Due 10/16

Write a paragraph contrasting the beginning of the story of "The Quest of the Golden Fleece" and the beginning of the movie "Jason and the Argonauts." Explain what some of the major changes are.

Then, write a paragraph speculating on why you think these changes were made for the movie version.

The completed assignment should be about 3/4 of a page in length.