Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Basic Gods and Goddess 17 Questions

Below are the review questions for the basic gods and goddesses if you don't have the assignment turned in yet.

1. Who is associated with music and truth?

2. Who is associated with the peacock?

3. Who is associated with the hunt and wild creatures?

4. Who is thought of as being born from the sea?

5. Who is the great blacksmith?

6. Who is associated with the hearth and home?

7. Who is associated with giving fire to mankind and has a name that means forethought?

8. Who is associated with wealth, and a cap of invisibility?

9. Who is associated with all of the evils unleashed upon mankind?

10. Who is associated with horses and often called “earth shaker”?

11. Who is often hated and described as murderous and bloodstained?

12. Who was born from Zeus’s head and known for carrying the aegis?

13. Who gave all of the best traits to animals and was thought of as impulsive?

14. Who wields the mighty thunderbolt?

15. Who is known for grace, speed, and superawesome winged sandals?

16. Which gods are twins?

17. Which gods are married to each other?