Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Sorry for the delay in posting information online. Here's what we've been up to:

- We have completed Unit 2 and taken the Unit 2 test. If you were absent for this, make sure ot arrange a time to make this up and turn in your flashcards and Unit 2 Glossary.

- We also acted out the story of Atalanta in class, so if you missed it (sorry) you'll have to read the story in the book.

- We have read the chapter on Hercules and taken two T/F quizzes on the material. If you missed either of these, make sure to schedule a time to make it up.

- We also wrote one body paragraph on the following topic. Please use this link to help you make up this assignment.

- Finally, we have begun background information for the TROJAN WAR. We took some notes on this on 12/3, and will begin the actually fighting this Wednesday.